The main purpose of the exhibition is to show how houses and the living environment changed in Poland during the country’s transition from a socialist state to a market economy, and to present the functioning of the new model with its connections to global neoliberalism. The exhibition poses questions about the style and environment of where Poles choose to live. The economic changes of the 1990s brought about the quite literal realization of the festival’s motto: many Poles actually did get to have their own houses. After years of living in apartment blocks or identical “cube” houses, they got the chance to fulfil their dreams of individualized housing, usually in the suburbs. The processes that shaped Polish homes are presented in chapters on various problems of dwelling, including urban planning, neighbourhoods, typologies of single- and multi-family architecture, as well as interiors and materials. The analysis focuses on Warsaw and its agglomeration as a model of posttransformation changes, but the exhibition presents similar phenomena from all over Poland as well. (Museum of Modern Art, description of the exhibition)